Bliggidy Blog

school is CRAZY!

So this week has been crazier then most, if that is possible.  It just seems like I got all of my big assignments this week which is good in a way but also horrible cause I am doing nothing but worry about them now.  Most of the assignments are in my Teaching Literacy class.  At least now I know when all of the major assignments are due and when I have to work on them.  I only have 1 assignment due during the week that I am in Florida for my Communication Theory class which is awesome so I don’t have to worry too much about missing my classes.  I will still worry that I am missing something important however I know that I won’t be missing any assignments.  Its only an essay which I will do before I leave for vacation so that it is done and handed in before I go.  I want to have fun and not have to worry about the work that has to be done when I get home.  I need a vacation after this semester is over also because it is just a lot of time, work, and energy that I am putting out.  In the end it will pay off but right now I am dreading every day of it.  I don’t mind school at all it’s just all of the work and then holding a job is very difficult.  VACATION is only 9 days away and I can’t wait.  It’s going to be an awesome time!!!
