Bliggidy Blog

Florida..Here I come!

So…it’s finally here and I can’t believe it. I am leaving for Florida on Sunday afternoon and I can’t wait.  I won’t have work or school for a week straight.  I will also be getting paid from work while I’m gone because I have PTO that I have to use before the end of the year and I can’t really take any during November or December because we (Commerce Bank) are so busy. Yes, they were bought by TD Banknorth however it won’t take place till next year.  They will either be converting some of the TD’s to Commerce or closing them.  No huge changes as of now though! Back to Florida though….I am kind of upset that I am missing school because of the work and important information that I will be missing but it’s a GREAT break from all the craziness that is going on. Well, hopefully I will do one more blog before I leave! YAY for Florida!!!!!

school is CRAZY!

So this week has been crazier then most, if that is possible.  It just seems like I got all of my big assignments this week which is good in a way but also horrible cause I am doing nothing but worry about them now.  Most of the assignments are in my Teaching Literacy class.  At least now I know when all of the major assignments are due and when I have to work on them.  I only have 1 assignment due during the week that I am in Florida for my Communication Theory class which is awesome so I don’t have to worry too much about missing my classes.  I will still worry that I am missing something important however I know that I won’t be missing any assignments.  Its only an essay which I will do before I leave for vacation so that it is done and handed in before I go.  I want to have fun and not have to worry about the work that has to be done when I get home.  I need a vacation after this semester is over also because it is just a lot of time, work, and energy that I am putting out.  In the end it will pay off but right now I am dreading every day of it.  I don’t mind school at all it’s just all of the work and then holding a job is very difficult.  VACATION is only 9 days away and I can’t wait.  It’s going to be an awesome time!!!
